The aim of ISPAC is to create a platform for academics to collaborate with each other, and to also facilitate interactions between academia and industry. ISPAC also aims at creating knowledge transfer and sharing platforms, that ensure continuity in polymer analysis research.
The objectives of the conference are therefore as follows:
(1) To identify specific pending issues with product development and characterization, as well as the advances made in the characterization and analysis of polymeric materials.
(2) To evaluate the main collaborative opportunities between academics, and between academia and industry.
(3) To enable the sharing of state-of the art knowledge on the different analytical approaches between researchers and industry, in a way that will broaden and deepen their individual work and initiate new collaborations.
(4) To enable transfer of knowledge from seasoned researchers to budding polymer analytical chemists.
QST? Contact Conference
Prof. Dr Albena Lederer
SASOL Chair in Analytical Polymer Science
Stellenbosch University | Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602 | South Africa
t: DE (+49) 0351 – 4658 491 | SA (+27) 021 – 808 3178
e: [email protected] | [email protected]
See related project covering the Short course on Polymer Analysis and Characterization to be held on the 1st day of the event.