
I am happy to participate in the Nobelium Contest, to celebrate the Periodic Table and to share my passion, experience and creativity about the chemistry with all of you.
Most of my students from the Lyceum of Modern Languages and Management and Lyceum Da Vinci, Chisinau, the first in the Republic of Moldova, successfully participated in the “Periodic Table Challenge” competition, organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Many thanks for this opportunity. By working with the Periodic Table and creating new and original works, we thank and offer our respect and homage to all scientists, who contributed to its creation and development.
The Periodic Table, developed by great scientists through numerous researches, models and revisions, is the symbol of modern chemistry and, at the same time, a brilliant tool of discovery and innovation. The purpose of my project is to use the Periodical Table as a scientific tool for identification the system of my personal values, associated with the chemical elements.
I have done this project with great enthusiasm and have made a considerable effort to research the chemical elements, to memorize all the names of the elements and to select 118 personal values, which corresponds to the symbols of the chemical elements. I designed the Table in 2 languages: English and Romanian. “The Periodic Table and Personal Values” can be used by teachers and students to memorize the symbols and names of the chemical elements; to meditate and to create personal system of values, based on this model.
I would like to dedicate this project to my family and to all my students, colleagues and people, who love chemistry and promote values. DISCOVER THE PERIODIC TABLE – DISCOVER YOURSELF!

With gratitude, Rita Godoroja, PhD.

About Rita Godoroja

Rita Godoroja • PhD, Chemistry Teacher, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. • Scientific Researcher, Institute of Education Sciences. • Author of 81 articles and scientific-methodical books published in the following research areas: student creativity; developing students' skills in chemistry; curriculum development and standards, quality assurance. • eTwinning Ambassador to The Republic of Moldova, 2015. • Ambassador SCIENTIX in The Republic of Moldova, 2018. • My research: Developing students' creative skills by learning chemistry. Throughout my pedagogical work, for about 33 years, I shared my passion for chemistry with my students, and I have provided them with methods for creativity. We celebrate the International Year of the Periodic Table - 2019 through creative learning of Chemistry.