
This project is part of the Chemistry of materials educational programme of the third and fourth year at “Liceo Artistico”. The programme of the third year includes the study of inorganic chemistry and materials connected with art such as metals, stones, glass and pottery. All the matter around us is made of atoms and of molecules made of the combination of two or more atoms. Therefore, you must start from the knowledge of atoms and be able to read the periodic table, which is full of information concerning chemistry.

The purpose was to stimulate the students’ interest — more focused on the arts and humanistic fields — in this technical and scientific subject. UNESCO declared the year 2019 as International year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. In order to celebrate 150 years since the first publication of Dimitrij Mendeleev’s table, I decided to involve the students of the third year (with the help of the students of the fourth year) in the realisation of a personalised artistic periodic table connected with their imagination and with the emotion each element gave them, leaving them to be the sole creators of the artwork. Everyone chose a certain number of boxes to be realised and after a research work they handmade the fruit of their imagination. After that we assembled all 118 elements through a graphic process programme. That is how the New Artistic Periodic Table of Elements has been created.

About samuele

The high school of art, Liceo Artistico "Alciati", joined the high school Istituto Superiore "Lagrangia" in the school year 2001-2002. The school had two paths: Figurative arts and Architecture and environment; the projects aimed to promote the imagination of the youngest in arts, communication and non-verbal communication. After taking into consideration the needs of the territory, a new educational offer was added in the school year 2007-2008, a path in Design focused on graphics and industrial drawing. In the third and fourth year the students study chemistry of materials, they study the chemical and physical features of both organic and inorganic materials in order to adopt them in the arts field.