Professor M. Clara F. Magalhães has been awarded the status of Emeritus Fellow in Division V. This 2023 appointment reflects her standing as a scientist and continuing service to the division and to the Union.

Professor M. Clara F. Magalhães F. Min. Soc. is retired from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, where she taught several subjects in the field of Chemistry. Her main scientific interests are in the area of the solubility of sparingly soluble inorganic solids. She has always been interested in building bridges with other scientific areas, from which stand out environmental issues related to processes to control the dispersion of contaminants in mining areas or the growth of efflorescence and other alterations in the walls of old buildings. She has been interested in the dissemination of science to the public and questions of chemical nomenclature are of particular interest.

Clara Magalhães was recruited to IUPAC by the late Jack Lorimer in 1990 and became a member of the former Commission on Solubility Data (V.8) of Analytical Chemistry Division since 1991 until 2001, and since 2002 is a member of Subcommittee on Solubility and Equilibrium Data SSED). In the Analytical Chemistry Division, she has been Associate member, Titular member and the Portuguese National Representative. She has been the chair of SSED since 2009. She is member of Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols (ICTNS) since 2020 as representative from Analytical Chemistry Division. She is a member of Interdivisional Subcommittee on Critical Evaluation of Data (ISCED) since it was established in 2018. Is a member of Joint Subcommittee on the IUPAC Gold Book (JSIGB) since it was established in 2021. She is author or coauthor of a paper published in Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data three papers published in Pure and Applied Chemistry, and three papers published in Chemistry International. Clara Magalhães coordinated the team of Portuguese, Brazilian and Cape Verdians who translated and edited the Portuguese version of the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, 2005 Recommendations. This translation was approved by the Portuguese and Brazilian Chemical Societies. Cape Verde still has no representation in IUPAC.

Emeritus Fellow info page
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