eTOC Alert ‘Chemistry International’ – Nov-Dec 2016

ci3806-nov2016_fullA new issue of Chemistry International is now available on De Gruyter Online.

Chemistry International Volume 38, Issue 6

Full issue pdf

Features | Stamps International | Wire | Project PlaceimPACt | Bookworm | Up for Discussion | Where 2B&Y | Conference Call | Mark Your Calendar

Archives of Chemistry International


Vice-President’s Collumn

IUPAC— Holding the International Chemistry Family TogetherZhou, Qifeng (Page 2)


IChO-48—An Extraordinary Olympiad of Chemistry
Elizbarashvili, Elizbar / Ochkhikidze, Natia / Khatisashvili, Gia (Page 4)

SAICM Science Sector and IUPAC ActivitiesMakarova, Anna S. / Humphris, Colin (Page 8)

ci3806-toc2The Solar ArmyColón, Jorge (Page 12)

Stamps International

Reaching Out for the SunRabinovich, Daniel (Page 3)


Chemistry International Goes Seasonal (Page 16)

ci3806-toc-w2Future of the Chemical Sciences (Page 16)

IUPAC 2017 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering—Call for Nominations (Page 17)

2017 IUPAC-Solvay International Award For Young Chemists (Page 17)

IUPAC100 Logo Competition (Page 18)

UNESCO/PhosAgro/IUPAC Green Chemistry for Life Program (Page 18)

Hanwha Total IUPAC Young Scientist Award 2016 (Page 19)

DSM Materials Sciences Award 2016 Goes to Professor Steven P. Armes (Page 20)

WANTED: A Home for an Orphaned Chemical Database (Page 21)

Project Place

ci3806-toc-p1Identifying International Chemical Identifier (InChI) Enhancements—QR Codes and Industry Applications (Page 22)

Categorizing Chalcogen, Pnictogen, and Tetrel Bonds, and Other Interactions Involving Groups 14-16 Elements (Page 22)

Standardization of Electrical Energy Per Order (EEO) Reporting for UV/H2O2 Reactors (Page 24)

ci3806-toc-p4Isotopes Matter (Page 25)

Materials on the Nanoscale—Uniform Description System Version 2.0  (Page 25)

Making an imPACt

How to Name New Chemical Elements (IUPAC Recommendations 2016) (Page 26)

Vocabulary of Concepts and Terms in Chemometrics (IUPAC Recommendations 2016) (Page 26)

Glossary of Terms Used in Extraction (IUPAC Recommendations 2016) (Page 26)

Extraction for Analytical Scale Sample Preparation (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 26)

Review of Footnotes and Annotations to the 1949–2013 Tables of Standard Atomic Weights and Tables of Isotopic Compositions of the Elements (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 27)

Guidelines for Measurement of Luminescence Spectra and Quantum Yields of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds in Solution and Solid State (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 27)


Storing Energy, with Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources (Page 28)

Chemistry Beyond Chlorine (Page 28)

POLYCHAR 23—World Forum on Advanced Materials (Page 28)

Macromolecular Complexes Part I and II (Page 28)

Polymer-Solvent Complexes and Intercalates POLYSOLVAT-10 (Page 29)

ci3806-toc-b6A Draft Framework for Understanding SDG Interactions (Page 29)

Up for Discussion

Is it possible to extend the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules to supramolecular structures and coordination compounds using lone pairs?, Elguero, José (Page 30)

Preliminary Property Design for Ionic Solids and Liquids, Glasser, Leslie (Page 32)

Conference Call

New Chemistries for Phytomedicines and Crop Protection Chemicals, Unsworth, J.B. / Shakil, N.A. / Kumar, J. (Page 34)

Science: How Close to Open?, Vilela, Bruno (Page 36)

Chemical Safety and Security in a Rapidly Changing World, Mahaffy, Peter / Forman, Jonathan / Hay, Alastair / Timperley, Christopher (Page 38)

POLYCHAR 24 World Forum Advanced Materials, Hess, Michael (Page 39)

Polymers and Organic Chemistry (POC-16), Demadis, Kostas D. (Page 42)

Phosphorus Chemistry, Nifantiev, Nikolay E. (Page 43)

Where 2B & Y

Solutions for Drug-Resistant Infections, 3-5 April 2017, Brisbane, Australia (Page 45)

Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials, 6-10 June 2017, Sochi, Russia (Page 45)

Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale , 11-16 June 2017, Pisa, Italy (Page 46)

Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems, 19-23 June 2017, St. Peterburg (

Introduction to the World of Chemical Data—an OnLine College Course (OLCC) on Cheminformatics, Spring 2017 (Page 47)

Chemical Identifier, 16-18 August 2017, Bethesda, MA, USA (Page 47)

ci3806-toc-w7Digital Cultural Heritage , 30 August – 1 September 2017, Berlin, Germany (Page 48)

16th International Meeting on Boron Chemistry (IMEBORON16), 9-13 July 2017, Hong Kong (Page 48)

Mark Your Calendar (Page 49)

Index 2016 (Page 51)

*Issue cover image: This year the 48th International Chemistry Olympiad took place in Tbilisi, Georgia in July and the planning of that IChO was extraordinary—see why page 4. This issue cover, designed by Mariam Elizbarashvili, illustrates the IChO journey, which started in 1968 in Prague (Czechslovakia). It shows the sequence of all the flags of the countries that have hosted the event. Along with a view of Old Tbilisi are pictures of the Closing ceremony (with Professor Natalia Tarasova and Professor Elizbar Elizbarashvili awarding the gold medals) and Saba Tavdgiridze (bottom left), the first bronze medalist of the Georgian team. In 2017, IChO will rendez-vous in Thailand; in 2018 the Olympiad will return to Prague and Bratislava for the IChO 50th anniversary.

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