This website is intended to serve as a means for sharing educational tools dedicated to polymer chemistry. We offer free downloads, connections to other polymer education web sites and materials for teaching about polymers.



Visit MACRO IUPAC Trade Booth Booklet at 49th World Polymer Congress – MACRO2022

Introduction to Polymer Division
POLYMER – A SciArt Exhibition

by and @Merna_group endorsed by @IUPAC and @VSCHT developed in collaboration with @IUPACPolymer and celebrating Macromolecules Centenary and Staudinger opened at UCTPrague to promote the language of chemistry through Arts.

 2008-032-1-400 A Brief Guide to Polymer Nomenclature (Polymer Naming)

This basic guide covers most of the common polymers. It carries colour-coded hyperlinks to free IUPAC reference material, which can be used to further clarify the names and find out how to apply IUPAC rules to more complex polymers.